דפי תוכן
E-Homework explanat... (7)
EHW 6 explanation
EHW 7 Which HOTS???
EHW 5 Happy Hanukkah!!
EHW assignment 4 (link below)
EHW 2 explanation
EHW 1 explanation
Syndi`s Literature ... (7)
My notes on Ozymandias and Rules of the Game
Bridging Text and COntext EXPLAINATION (mall:)
Preparation for Lit Test I ( יוד א-ב)
HOTS Vocabulary
Bridging Vocabulary
MLA guide to citing websites in bibliographies
HOTS lastest teaching with links and metaphor
Syndi`s Grammar (1)
Parts of speech explanation
Test Preparation wo... (2)
Unseen practice E module with answers for י/יא
Yod Alef and Yod test one preparation
All My Sons (1)
All My Sons worksheets, quotes and study guides
Mr. Know All prepare answers:)
Ozymandias backround information and explainations
Summer's Reading, Ozy, Rules of the Game,
HOTS Vocabulary
רשימת מרחבים
Formal letter writing useful tips and expressions
Summer`s Reading worksheets
Billy Collins on TED reading various poems
EHW assignment 1
EHW assignment 2
EHW assignment 4 link
MLA guide to citing websites in bibliographies
HOTS lastest teaching with links and metaphor
חזרה למרחב
קישור ישיר לדף זה
קובץ 1:
Hi Everyone,
These are the pages you are supposed to both print out and put in your notebooks as well as save on your computer. They will help you understand and remember all the HOTS.